The OWT CMS3 is a content management system (CMS) from One World Telecommunications. This product has evolved for about 15 years and version 3 was initially released in 2013.
Version 3 (CMS3) is a significant evolution over previous versions as it brings a lot of standardized behavior to the system. Previous version were frameworks that had to be extensively modified for a particular customer making upgrades more difficult and customization time consuming. CMS3 features easy customization from a standard package that allows for a continual evolution of features and support for the latest web technologies.
Throughout this site we will try to address the issues that a site administrator might have while trying to maintain their site and make typical changes. OWT does not provide this software as a build-it-yourself system as we have not endevaored to make the design features simple for non-designers. Design requires knowledge of HTML and CSS and maybe even JavaScript ot jQuery and while all of this can be done within the CMS3 we do not provide a great deal of support for these advanced capabiltiies. OWT will deliver your site with the feature set you have ordered and allow for significant expansion of that content but if you need a specific feature documented on this site that is not present your implemenation please contact us and we will enable whatever you might need to make that happen.